More than a cost saving

More than a cost saving

Drummoyne Sailing Club is a busy club. With more than 60 staff, multiple bars and food outlets, there is always something happening. Pat was the General Manager of the club… a job that always kept him on his toes!

When the club bookkeeper resigned, Pat weighed up the costs and benefits and made the decision to outsource the work. Metro Solutions was an easy choice.

“At the time we started using the Metro Solutions bookkeeping services, their business was well established with other venues.

I knew Suzanne and had met many of her staff that would be looking after our accounts. I had complete confidence that they would be able to do exactly what we needed.”

All the data into the ledger

From the very beginning, the process was seamless.

“It was really a set and forget type arrangement, which worked so well for us. My team would send Metro Solutions the required daily trade information each day. The Metro Solutions team would then input all the data into the ledger, identify any discrepancies and then on a monthly basis prepare financial reports for me to review.

The setup and ongoing management really didn’t take up a lot of my time. It was a seamless process and I never felt like it was a burden taking me away from my own tasks.”

A brilliant working relationship

As for the Metro Solutions team, Pat gives them a glowing review.

“The team is very good. They are very professional and if there are any issues with supplier payments, they are on top of it straight away. My team felt very comfortable calling their office with any queries. It was just a brilliant working relationship.”

For Pat, using the Metro Solutions bookkeeping outsourced solutions was about more than simply getting the books done each day.

The benefits were so much greater than that.

Time-consuming administrative duties

“One thing that outsourcing to Metro Solutions allowed me to do was free up my team so they could focus on making money for the business by selling functions and events. If you look at it simply as a cost-saving because you don’t have to pay for an internal person to do administration, then you are missing that other valuable benefit.

It also unburdened me from time-consuming administrative duties that I would otherwise be doing. I could focus my time on what I needed to do… run and grow the business.”

Pat has worked in clubs for 30 years. He started pulling beers at the local bowling club when he was 18, and he never left the industry… until now.

Pat’s experience with Metro Solutions was so amazing that when he felt it was time for a change, he decided to join the team. He brings with him that 30 years of hotel experience and a deep knowledge of the Metro Solutions offering.

Free up your team

Our bookkeeping outsource solutions have the power to not only save you money but to free up your team for more important business… like making money! Contact us to discuss how we can seamlessly integrate with your business to make your bookkeeping a breeze.


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